jueves, 23 de abril de 2009

My Best Friend

Well, today im talk about my best friend...
His name is carlos, and i meet him on Calama, because he is my neighbour, and when we was kids, we play a lot.
we are friends since i was 10 and he was 9, and we meet too, because our mothers are friends.
I remember a lot of things we did, all was so funny, but, the most crazy and great memory i can remember, is when we was alone on his house, by 2 days, we made a lot of things, like play playstation, computer games, and eat a lot, we play guitar hero all the night, was fantastic.
He is very funny, inteligent, and reliable. when i had a problem he ever listen me, and he too tell me his problems and things, thats i like about him, we ever play guitar together and do a lot of other things, but sometimes, he is a little arrogant and sarcastic, but it's not a problem, because i know him, and i know how he react with some situations.
Backing to our memories, on January of this year, we come to Summer School, here in Santiago, he tooks mathematics and i took laws, it was a great adventure for me, cause i never come to santiago before, and for he too was an adventure, cause he never ride in transantiago
Well, now, i'm in Santiago, on the University, and he is on 4th grade in Calama, but the ever i go to Calama, i go to his house, and we play guitar, playstation, computer and we eat a lot, and listen metal music, etc. we ever enjoy that kind of activities. Finally, if i have money, i gift him a ticket for the concert of Arch Enemy, cause he likes this band.
And, thats all...
Greetings from Computer labs of Universidad De Chile!
Listen Metal, Run In Circles And Be Happy Martians!

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