jueves, 28 de mayo de 2009
About My Career
Today i'm going to talk you, about my career! =D!
I'm a student of Public Administration career.
This career, will prepare people to work in the state, and on the public service, but always to be public employees, and to help the society with his problems.
Well, I chose it, because my vocation is on the public service, I like to help the people with his problems, specially if it needs of administration or order. When I was in the high school, always like to be "Class President", and I was too delegate of my high school.
Thinking about this career, I love it, because it have maths. It's something that I like to do. Resolve Maths problems and things like that, I like too, the history and the laws.
Nothing about the signatures can dislike me.
But, the infrastructure is very poor, this palace is so small for us... thats something dislike me, the university, don't think much about our career, sometimes I think they doesn't matter nothing about us.
Looking the future, i want to work in Calama, for my municipality, or maybe my gobernation, in cultural works, in relation with the music and the cultural acts. Or, work here in Santiago, but with the University, maybe, doing class.
Thats all.
Greetings! =D
jueves, 14 de mayo de 2009

This Photograph makes me feel a lot of emotions, like peace and tranquility.
When I see it I think in some beauty sounds, poetry and the life.
Because when a piano sound, all change and the problems disapear.
I believe, always I will play it, and my sons, will play it, and his sons will play it, forever and ever.
The piano moves me to do all better, to be more peacefull and more active.
Images like this, change my world for a few minutes, and turns it in a better place.
My greatest dream, is have a German or French piano in my house.
If you think this mad, yeah it is, and I'm happy about it.
Images like this, makes me happy.
Images like this, makes me dream, if I'll can be a professional musician, all sould be better....
People: Dream more!.
Be Happy!
jueves, 7 de mayo de 2009
My Most Precious Possession

Today, I will tell you, about my most precious possession, and, well, it is very special for me, because, I always use that, since I was 2 , and more intensivly, since I was 10, and, it always turn my bad moments in good moments, and I think, I will play it forever.
My most precious possession, is my keyboard...
I love it, since I can remember, I have dreamt with classical music, chords, scores, and it all...
I'm happy, when I play Mozart, Chopin and Beethoven songs, but in spite of this I feel frustrated, because, it's my vocation, more than public service, politics, or any other thing, my greatest vocation is in arts, it makes me feel my best emotions.
I know, when I finish my career, I will play with my band, making shows, and playing our metal songs. And all my relation with arts, is through my keyboard...
Be Happy.