lunes, 15 de junio de 2009

Do Schools kill creativity?

Today, I'm going to talk you about the “TED, Sir Ken Robinson's talk Do Schools Kill Creativity” video.
It's about a man who explain us in twenty minutes, some things about the public education, and how it, is killing the creativity of the childrens. This is thanks to the public education, who never teach or really, who never explode the other capacities they have. The educational system only explode the maths, languages, sciencies etc, but they never considerate important the other side of the brain, the arts, the music, the dance etc, thats important. Because with the arts we can build a life, equal than the science or maths.
I really like the video, because it shows something we never think, and it is, how systematically is the educational system, maybe we can considerate learn more arts.
Let me give you some advice: Use your body and senses to make art and you will feel better!....


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