domingo, 5 de julio de 2009
This is my final post... was long time writing on my blog… But what can I say about it?
Well, every Thursday we went to pc labs and become writing about anything, I can’t say I dislike it, because, I enjoy it, maybe don’t love it, but it isn’t unpleasant me.
It is a really good method to learn the English tongue; because having a good grammar, we can speak better.
The worst about it is we can’t train our pronunciation, but we can do it, singing our favorites English songs or talking with some “gringas” hahaha!
Obviously it helps us to improve our English, now I think I can speak better than we start the academic year, and that’s makes me happy ¡¡ =)!!
Finally, in my opinion, it can’t have disadvantages, more than the problem with the pronunciation, but it doesn’t matter.
The End!
jueves, 25 de junio de 2009
My Ideal Job
Today I'm going to write about my ideal job, and it's so curious, because I'm never think it, will be in Public Administration. When I leave my house, i said my mom: "Hey, remember, I will have my profesion, but, I will work in a Pub, playing with my band", obviously, she said you are crazy!. But not, I love the music, so this would be my ideal job.
Thinking about the skills I will need, I believe, it would be: more practice!... The practice makes you better. If I play more time, i would play better, and I will do best presentations.
I think, it would be a hard work, maybe, I will no have a lot of money, but I will be happy and this is more important than have a lot of money. It will be a good job for me, because I will be exploiting my skills, and I will be working by vocation.
And here is the problem: Chile, never stimulate the music. Here is very hard to find a good job being musician.
Nobody will give you an oportunity if you are a bad musician, or if your does not have the money to promote you and your band. This country will be better if we promote and stimulate the arts.
And finally we finish our semester. this is my last work for this subject so...
Thats all!
jueves, 18 de junio de 2009
My Favourite Subject
Today, I'm going to talk you about my favourite subject, and it is Introducción al estudio del Gobierno y la Gestón pública, I like it because we always learn a lot and it shows what's the meaning of Public Administration, why it is where it is, the history of the studies of Public Administration, so on.
My teacher is Karina Doña, she is a public administrator of our university, and she make investigations of genre and public management, defense and public management and science of public administration, on the other hand, she has written some books of how the women are on the administration way.
It is very hard, we have every week a debate of the national contingency, and every monday we have a little test of some chapter of some book, and we have to do an essay.
I think, we will die when we show our essays, because she is very demanding, but this is the university, so the only thing we can do is obey...
Thats all.
lunes, 15 de junio de 2009
Do Schools kill creativity?
Today, I'm going to talk you about the “TED, Sir Ken Robinson's talk Do Schools Kill Creativity” video.
It's about a man who explain us in twenty minutes, some things about the public education, and how it, is killing the creativity of the childrens. This is thanks to the public education, who never teach or really, who never explode the other capacities they have. The educational system only explode the maths, languages, sciencies etc, but they never considerate important the other side of the brain, the arts, the music, the dance etc, thats important. Because with the arts we can build a life, equal than the science or maths.
I really like the video, because it shows something we never think, and it is, how systematically is the educational system, maybe we can considerate learn more arts.
Let me give you some advice: Use your body and senses to make art and you will feel better!....
jueves, 11 de junio de 2009
The Best In Your Area...

Today I'm going to talk you about the person who makes me change my vision of Chile, and makes me change my vision of the admnistration of this country, I'm talking about: Diego Portales.
I think, if today we have a great politic system, and we are living in a democracy, is thanks to him. At his time, he has a great future vision, he knows what was the country needed.
Well, first he was a great thinker, he has a cold mind to decide what's the country had to do, then he helps to Jose Joaquin Prieto (the president) to found a new government, with the power to educate the people, and building the base for the subsequent governments.
He never wants to be a politic because he was a salesman, but finally he turns to a politic and be a minister.
Thats because I like Diego Portales, he is the builder of the Republic system, he was the best, and no one will be best that him.
Thats all.
jueves, 4 de junio de 2009
Well, today I'm going to talk you about something that I don't know if will happen...
I think: "In 5 years, I will be doing...". Oh, thats so hard for me, maybe, I will be working, or maybe, I will be studying, or maybe, I will be die, Anything could happen.
Professionally talking, I believe, I will be working, doing politics, or working for some institution in relation with my city, or maybe, I will be playing with my band around the world (Will be a good dream :) ), anything could happen. Really, I don't know...
Most difficult, is to think, where I will be living, maybe here in Santiago, or maybe, in Calama, or maybe, in New york, yes, I like it, New York, travelling, working, doing anything, but it will happen in New York, it will happen, with my wife or my girlfriend, but on the other side is my mom I really like to be with her in Calama so, we will be living together until I build a new life.
And finally, my precious dream, my ideal future: it is finishing my career, with money to travel with my girlfriend and play with my band in Finland, and making happy my family, making my mom do anything she wants to do, the equal for me....
Oh, it is a beauty dream...
Thats All!
jueves, 28 de mayo de 2009
About My Career
Today i'm going to talk you, about my career! =D!
I'm a student of Public Administration career.
This career, will prepare people to work in the state, and on the public service, but always to be public employees, and to help the society with his problems.
Well, I chose it, because my vocation is on the public service, I like to help the people with his problems, specially if it needs of administration or order. When I was in the high school, always like to be "Class President", and I was too delegate of my high school.
Thinking about this career, I love it, because it have maths. It's something that I like to do. Resolve Maths problems and things like that, I like too, the history and the laws.
Nothing about the signatures can dislike me.
But, the infrastructure is very poor, this palace is so small for us... thats something dislike me, the university, don't think much about our career, sometimes I think they doesn't matter nothing about us.
Looking the future, i want to work in Calama, for my municipality, or maybe my gobernation, in cultural works, in relation with the music and the cultural acts. Or, work here in Santiago, but with the University, maybe, doing class.
Thats all.
Greetings! =D
jueves, 14 de mayo de 2009

This Photograph makes me feel a lot of emotions, like peace and tranquility.
When I see it I think in some beauty sounds, poetry and the life.
Because when a piano sound, all change and the problems disapear.
I believe, always I will play it, and my sons, will play it, and his sons will play it, forever and ever.
The piano moves me to do all better, to be more peacefull and more active.
Images like this, change my world for a few minutes, and turns it in a better place.
My greatest dream, is have a German or French piano in my house.
If you think this mad, yeah it is, and I'm happy about it.
Images like this, makes me happy.
Images like this, makes me dream, if I'll can be a professional musician, all sould be better....
People: Dream more!.
Be Happy!
jueves, 7 de mayo de 2009
My Most Precious Possession

Today, I will tell you, about my most precious possession, and, well, it is very special for me, because, I always use that, since I was 2 , and more intensivly, since I was 10, and, it always turn my bad moments in good moments, and I think, I will play it forever.
My most precious possession, is my keyboard...
I love it, since I can remember, I have dreamt with classical music, chords, scores, and it all...
I'm happy, when I play Mozart, Chopin and Beethoven songs, but in spite of this I feel frustrated, because, it's my vocation, more than public service, politics, or any other thing, my greatest vocation is in arts, it makes me feel my best emotions.
I know, when I finish my career, I will play with my band, making shows, and playing our metal songs. And all my relation with arts, is through my keyboard...
Be Happy.
jueves, 30 de abril de 2009
My Last Vacation
Well, today i'm gonna tell you about my last vacations...
First, when my vacations began, i was finishing my 4th grade in december, after the PSU,
I went to Salta (Argentina), with my class...
We were working a lot, for pay our vacations, since we began the 4th grade.
But, whatever, finally, after a very long travel (12 hours), we arrive at the town, at 21 o'clock.
and all went to the hotel, to take a shower. Then, we got on the bus again, and we went to a restorant.
Next days, i woke up, and went down to the city, meet a lot of places and a lot of his culture.
and with my class, we went to his "teleferico" and see all the city by panoramic seen. All the days we went to restorants, and policultural places.
But the most remarkable event i have in my memory, was when we went to the dam, and we throw ourselves in bungee and start to rain!!!
Was amazing!
I will never forget it, because, the landscape, was beautiful, the best i ever seen.
I love salta, his climate, was so tropical, a day, we have 30º C, and in five minutes, it change and start to rain a lot, and the temperature downs 10 grades, but we never were being cold, is a very very warm place.
all i can say for you guys, is:
The best.
jueves, 23 de abril de 2009
My Best Friend
Well, today im talk about my best friend...
His name is carlos, and i meet him on Calama, because he is my neighbour, and when we was kids, we play a lot.
we are friends since i was 10 and he was 9, and we meet too, because our mothers are friends.
I remember a lot of things we did, all was so funny, but, the most crazy and great memory i can remember, is when we was alone on his house, by 2 days, we made a lot of things, like play playstation, computer games, and eat a lot, we play guitar hero all the night, was fantastic.
He is very funny, inteligent, and reliable. when i had a problem he ever listen me, and he too tell me his problems and things, thats i like about him, we ever play guitar together and do a lot of other things, but sometimes, he is a little arrogant and sarcastic, but it's not a problem, because i know him, and i know how he react with some situations.
Backing to our memories, on January of this year, we come to Summer School, here in Santiago, he tooks mathematics and i took laws, it was a great adventure for me, cause i never come to santiago before, and for he too was an adventure, cause he never ride in transantiago
Well, now, i'm in Santiago, on the University, and he is on 4th grade in Calama, but the ever i go to Calama, i go to his house, and we play guitar, playstation, computer and we eat a lot, and listen metal music, etc. we ever enjoy that kind of activities. Finally, if i have money, i gift him a ticket for the concert of Arch Enemy, cause he likes this band.
And, thats all...
Greetings from Computer labs of Universidad De Chile!
Listen Metal, Run In Circles And Be Happy Martians!
jueves, 9 de abril de 2009
We are trasmiting from mars, to all you guys!
I'm a 18 years old student, of the University of Chile.
A young student of Public Administration career, and i come from Calama city, to study here, in Santiago.I'm a music lover, likes rock, metal, grunge music.
I think we don't needmusic like "Reggaeton", because it's a delinquents music.
So here we are now, writting some words for this introduction, nice words, or stupid words, whatever...
Something more... im a musician, i play the piano since i was 10 years, and plays another instruments, like guitar, violin, drums etc..
So, thats all, i think it is a crazy introduction for a crazy blog.Be happy, listen rock, and dance a lot, that's starting...Greetings!